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Hansanet joins Union Digital


Union Digital and Hansanet established an agreement on 21 December 2017 to merge business operations. As a result Union Digital will be taking over all assets, liberties and obligations of Hansanet. The companies will move forward under the name Union Digital OÜ. Both companies will continue to serve their customers under the same conditions but with a considerably larger team. As of March 2018 both companies will cooperate under the name Union Digital.


Hansanet is one of the oldest web developing companies in Estonia, its strengths include integrating web systems, web hosting and technical execution of web solutions. Joining Union Digital will add development of custom solutions and maintenance of software systems. This opens up a chance for new cooperations such as delegating the role of an IT unit to us.

Serving of clients will continue through the same contacts:

info@hansanet.ee , tel +372 680 2260.